
“Griff” the Gargoyle Targets Church Thieves

Gargoyles are the traditional guardians of the building on which they are placed and it is hoped the unusual image will be a powerful reminder to thieves that they are being watched by unseen eyes.  A campaign called “Church Watch” that was launched at Manchester Cathedral following a theft of lead in August 2008 uses “Griff” to spread the word about proactively protecting church buildings.  The campaign, organised by the Manchester Diocese of the Church of England, uses a three step approach to combat theft;-

PREVENT: Use Smartwater to mark roof lead and other valuable metals.  To stop future  insurance claims possibly being reduced by 50% you should  register your use of SmartWater and if any building work involves scaffolding with your insurance company.

Remove items that aid climbing or lead removal such as wheelie bins and ladders. Lock gates and prevent access to cars and vans. Cut hedges and trees (check if planning permission is needed). Use anti climb paint on down spouts and lightning conductors (consult your architect).

Consider CCTV and/or installing an intruder alarm system.

WATCH: There are two aspects to this ‘Watch’ section; 1. Church Watch, and 2.Diocesan Metal Theft Alerts. Get these elements right and you could well catch the thieves or deter them.  Details are on the website, whose link is provided below.

REPORT: If you suffer lead theft then it is important that you report the crime and evaluate your prevention and watching helpers. The DAC will advise on a suitable replacement material which will be less attractive to thieves. English Heritage and the Chancellor are working together to provide effective planning exemptions.

Full information is available on

Protect Yourself Against Car Theft

Although vehicle crime has dropped by more than 66% since it peaked in 1995 there were still nearly 1.5 million vehicle-related thefts recorded in 2007-08.  During this period, car-related crimes accounted for 13% of all recorded crime in England and Wales but on a happier note having security equipment on your car – especially an immobiliser – makes your vehicle more than ten times safer than a car with no security equipment.

With knowledge about how thieves steal cars you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.  Listed below are ten methods used by criminals to break into vehicles and ways in which you can deter such attacks.  No specific details have been divulged to help thieves.

1. Bump against the car to check for a car alarm. The frequency of false alarms has meant that people have been conditioned to ignore them. Instead of a motion-sensitive car alarm, use one that has a pager that will notify you as soon as your alarm is activated. You should only buy security devices or services that are approved by either Thatcham or by Sold Secure .

2. Break the window or jemmy the lock to gain entry into a locked car. Don’t tempt car thieves. Keep valuables out of sight by storing them in the boot or better still take them with you.

3. Look for car alarm decals to figure out which method to use to eliminate the alarm. Never display stickers that advertise what sort of car alarm you have, or audio system for that matter.

4. Jump into an unattended running car while the owner is at the ATM, dropping off videos, etc. Never leave your keys in the ignition even for a quick errand. Car theft is a crime of opportunity, so don’t make it easy for them to grab yours.

5. Look for the car’s registration document or anything with a home address on it. Keep your registration and insurance information with you and never leave personal information in your car.

6. Get the car keys from the house. When you go to bed, make sure your car keys are not on view or within range of letter box openings or cat flaps.  Thieves have been known to use fishing rods to pick up keys left many feet away.

7. Stake out sporting fixtures, cinemas and shopping centre car parks for the car of your choice since they offer the largest variety of cars in one area. When parking outside, always try and park your car in an attended car park. Try to look for a public car park which is part of the police approved Park Mark-Safer Parking Scheme and displays the Park Mark® brand. . Don’t park in the farthest corner of the car park but rather near the entrance to ensure the most foot traffic (and the most potential witnesses).

8. Find the second set of keys the owner “hid” in the car. Don’t leave spare keys in your car or in a magnetic box attached to the underside of your car. Thieves know where all the “hiding places” are.

9. Let’s have those wheels off. Secure your wheels using locking wheel nuts.  These are cheap, easy to fit and stop thieves from taking your wheels.

10. It will never be traced.  Have your vehicle registration number or the last seven digits of your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etched onto all windows, both windscreens and your headlamps.

Even though car theft is a crime of opportunity, if a crook really wants your car, he’ll do whatever it takes to get it regardless of steering wheel locks or car alarms. But with the above knowledge, you can slow him down, make your car inconvenient to him and, hopefully, discourage him from attempting to steal your vehicle. Layering your car with anti-theft protection, especially if it’s at the top of the most stolen vehicles list, is a good start. But, as with anything that is of value to you, the most important protection you can give your car is to take a proactive approach to security when you leave it unattended.

Protecting Your Property by Security Marking

Property marking is an internationally accepted means of rendering your property identifiable both to yourself and the police. In the United Kingdom this is effected by using the postcode of the premises to which the property belongs, together with the name or part of the name.

We recommend that every item of value (where practicable) is marked to ensure that it can be returned to you if recovered after being stolen.

It is also useful to place small notices in the building to the effect that all your property is marked. Casual visitors may not notice these but the potential criminal will. Property marking is a quick, do-it-yourself task, costing very little. The following methods may be used:-

Ultraviolet Marking Pens

This is an ultraviolet, fibre-tip pen, obtainable from most large stationers. The mark is invisible until viewed under an ultraviolet lamp. It is advisable to mark on the most porous area where it is likely to be handled least and also where it is least likely to be exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight has the effect of causing such marks to fade after a period of about eighteen months. Therefore, it is advisable to re-mark property after this period.

The advantage of this type of marking is that the criminal is unable to see it himself and thereby will not take steps to remove it. It also does not affect any resale value and for this reason is suitable for electrical goods and other items you may wish to sell. The disadvantage is that it is not visible, which limits the deterrent effect. The thief knows he will have no problems in selling it on to innocent purchasers.


Marks can be engraved by use of a diamond-tipped pen, other sharp pointed tools or by an electric engraver. A stencil is often used to ensure neatness when the mark can only be placed in an obvious position. Stencils also allow relatively small lettering, which is not always the case with freehand. Any metal or plastic items can be marked and the value is not affected if done by someone trained in this technique, such as a jeweller. Glassware can also be engraved but you are advised to consult a professional in this case.

Ceramic Markers

“Ceramic” or “titanium” pens can be obtained from specialist stores and are effective on ceramic surfaces. Marks have the appearance of faint pencil marks and are impossible to remove without damaging the ceramic surface.


Branding is a method of marking which may be good for wooden items.

DNA / Forensic Coding Systems


SelectaDNA offers businesses a highly effective way to protect both their valuable contents and the building itself. SelectaDNA acts as a superb theft deterrent, as criminals know that it links them to crimes they commit and by erecting warning signs, your business immediately becomes a hard target.

SelectaDNA Forensic Property Marking kits are ideal to mark valuable equipment, both quickly and safely – the water-based adhesive dries clear so will not damage or deface any item. The solution contains a UV Tracer and unique synthetic DNA code. This means that every item you mark will have your unique Forensic Code on, and allow Police to trace the item back to you through forensic analysis should the item be stolen.

SelectaDNA is a Police Preferred Product, and it is sold by Selectamark Security Systems plc – a family-owned business and experts in crime prevention products since 1985.

For more information visit


Smartwater is one of the leading forensic coding system with a proven track record of reducing crime. It carries a unique forensic signature more robust than DNA and proves the ownership of any item, linking the criminal with the crime scene to enable prosecution and a conviction. Smartwater is used by 95% of UK police forces who are actively searching for it, for example at scrap metal dealers, and as such is the one of the most powerful deterrents available. A long term nationwide publicity campaign means that criminals know about Smartwater, they know that the police are looking for it and they fear the fact that it can be used to convict them. Smartwater can be applied to interior and exterior metals, along with any other valuables. When subjected to ultraviolet light its presence is immediately obvious by a tell-tale fluorescent glow. The smallest amount is enough for forensic scientists to verify the registered owner.

For more information visit

Red Web

Red Web is a dye that contains a unique biosynthetic DNA that is registered to the customer. It is painted on surfaces that, when touched by thieves, marks them with a highly visible red dye. It also contains an ultra-violet element that becomes stronger as the dye fades and washes out. The unique registered element that becomes stronger as the dye fades and washes out. The unique registered DNA in each system used in the crime is matched through analysis to provide solid evidence and gain a conviction. Red Web is available as a gel, grease and spray.

For more information visit

Acknowledgement: Congregational & General Insurance plc.

For more information visit

Protect your Handbag

The Chelsea Clip

The Chelsea Clip was invented in 1991 since then it has been providing a preventative solution to the problem of thefts of handbags and personal luggage. It has been specifically designed to secure personal belongings within public places and you may have seen them in bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants as well as anywhere that personal property may be vulnerable to theft –

The Chelsea Clip is a specially designed, injection moulded Nylon hook from which a bag, or other small item of personal luggage, can be suspended by its own strap. The item is easily placed onto the Chelsea Clip but two hands are required for its removal, making ‘handbag snatching’ virtually impossible.

Also described as the bar clip, metclip, bar hook and purse clip, it is highly recommended by UK. Crime Prevention Officers

The Handbag Hook

Unfortunately not all public places have Chelsea Clips so the answer is to take your own device! There are personal hooks which can be carried in your handbag, and used on most flat surfaces, your bag slips on via its strap but as it is not permanent and it doesn’t require two hands for removal it won’t be as secure as the Chelsea Clip, but it will keep your bag off the floor, clean and close. There are many varieties of handbag hook and they make great gifts as they are neat and compact and can be even be personalised.

The handbag Hook is also described as the Handbag Butler…..

So whenever you are out and about, you will always be able to sit down and hang your handbag beside you and be practical and look stylish at the same time……

Boss Fined for Supplying Unlicensed Guards

A security boss has been ordered to pay £1,000 after pleading guilty to supplying unlicensed security guards.

William Boyd, 56, of Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, was director of Greenock-based MHM (Scotland) that deployed security staff to various construction sites in the area.

At Greenock Sheriff Court on1st February 2010, Boyd pleaded guilty to supplying unlicensed security guards to sites and was ordered to pay £1,000.

By law, contracted security guards must hold and display a valid SIA licence. Those who manage, supervise and/or employ individuals who engage in licensable activity must also hold at least a non-front line licence.

Sharon Roberts, an SIA Head of Investigation, said “I am pleased with this result. It sends out a strong message to those supplying security staff that flouting the law will not be tolerated. I would urge all directors and managers of security companies to ensure they comply with the legislation.”

Under the Private Security Industry Act 2001 the maximum penalties are:

For working in a licensable role without an SIA licence:

Upon summary conviction at a Magistrate’s Court, Sheriff Court or District Court, a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000;

and for supplying unlicenced staff:

Upon summary conviction at a Magistrates’ Court, Sheriff Court or District Court, a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000.

Upon conviction on indictment at Crown Court, High Court of Justiciary or Sheriff and jury trial, an unlimited fine and/or up to five years imprisonment.

The Security Industry Authority regulates the private security industry in the United Kingdom under the Private Security Industry Act 2001, reporting to the Home Secretary. Its main duties are: the compulsory licensing of individuals undertaking designated activities; managing the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme approving private security suppliers.

Security Boss Fined for Supplying Unlicensed Security Guards

A security boss has been ordered to pay £1,000 after pleading guilty to supplying unlicensed security guards.

William Boyd, 56, of Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, was director of Greenock-based MHM (Scotland) that deployed security staff to various construction sites in the area.

At Greenock Sheriff Court on1st February 2010, Boyd pleaded guilty to supplying unlicensed security guards to sites and was ordered to pay £1,000.

By law, contracted security guards must hold and display a valid SIA licence. Those who manage, supervise and/or employ individuals who engage in licensable activity must also hold at least a non-front line licence.

Sharon Roberts, an SIA Head of Investigation, said “I am pleased with this result. It sends out a strong message to those supplying security staff that flouting the law will not be tolerated. I would urge all directors and managers of security companies to ensure they comply with the legislation.”

Under the Private Security Industry Act 2001 the maximum penalties are:

For working in a licensable role without an SIA licence:

Upon summary conviction at a Magistrate’s Court, Sheriff Court or District Court, a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000;

and for supplying unlicenced staff:

Upon summary conviction at a Magistrates’ Court, Sheriff Court or District Court, a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000.

Upon conviction on indictment at Crown Court, High Court of Justiciary or Sheriff and jury trial, an unlimited fine and/or up to five years imprisonment.

The Security Industry Authority regulates the private security industry in the United Kingdom under the Private Security Industry Act 2001, reporting to the Home Secretary. Its main duties are: the compulsory licensing of individuals undertaking designated activities; managing the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme approving private security suppliers.

Lottery Scam

An elderly single lady of 82 was recently the victim of a scam whereby she lost £25,000 after receiving notification that she had won a Spanish Lottery and afterwards was treated appallingly by her bank.

Over a period of a year Betty* received phone calls and correspondence suggesting that she should subscribe large amounts of money to Spanish bank accounts in order to receive the alleged lottery win. Eventually when Betty told them she thought that she was being defrauded and planned to report the matter to the police, their tactics changed. Betty was then informed that they would send her money. They duly sent four cheques for £2,500 each, which she paid into her bank account.

Shortly afterwards, to her astonishment, Betty’s bank account was frozen (despite the fact she had some £18k credit) and she received a bailiff’s letter stating her bank book and credit cards must be returned to the well known high street bank.

Betty tried to speak to her bank manager, with whom she had been a customer for over 50 years, and was told he would not answer any questions as the matter was being dealt with by the fraud department. The bank stopped paying her direct debits and, when she tried to open an account with another bank, it was refused. Betty had to resort to borrowing money from friends to live on and became distressed and ill.

Following our assistance, the bank was informed of the lottery fraud and the matter was reported to the police. It emerged the cheques paid to her by the alleged lottery were either forged or stolen from British Telecom. Finally, Betty’s account was re-opened and she received £250 as compensation and a bunch of flowers. It is a shame they had not taken the trouble to spend five minutes talking to her from the outset – ‘helpful banking’ indeed.

The police are still investigating the fraud.

For information on common lottery scams see the link below.

*Name changed to protect identity of client